MT(AAB) - Medical Technologist Generalist and Individual Discipline Certifications
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MT(AAB) - Medical Technologist Individual Discipline Certification
Individuals may apply for MT(AAB) certification in one or more of the disciplines listed below.
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testis Axis, Testicular and Accessory Gland Function, Fertilization and Early Embryo Development, Male Infertility & Assessment, Semen Analysis, and Evaluation of Male Reproductive Function, Sperm Processing and Preparation for Therapeutic Insemination, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Clinical Chemistry, Endocrinology, Heme Derivatives, Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Female and Male Infertility & Assessment, Female Reproductive Physiology, Gamete/Gonad Biology, Fertilization and Early Embryo Development, Gamete Preparation, Oocyte Insemination and Documentation of Fertilization, Gamete /Embryo Diagnosis, Embryo Transfer, Cryopreservation [including Vitrification], Culture Techniques, Micromanipulation, Genetic Analysis of Oocytes and Embryos, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Coagulation, Hematopoiesis, Laboratory Methods in Hematology, Special Hematology Procedures, Red Blood Cell and White Blood Cell Morphology and Disorders, Platelets, Urinalysis/Body Fluids, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Theory and Principles of Immunology, Immunology Practices and Laboratory Methods, Immune Disorders, Infectious Disease Immunology, Tumor Immunology and Transplantation Immunology, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Basics of Immunohematology, Blood Donations, Blood Components, ABO System, Rh Blood Group System, Other Blood Group Systems, Blood Banking Procedures, Transfusion Medicine, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology, Virology, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Molecular Diagnostics
Genetics and Nucleic Acid Biochemistry, Principles of Molecular Diagnostics, Application of Molecular Diagnostics, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
The MT (AAB) Individual Discipline Certification examinations also require passing a "Basic Knowledge" component that includes General Operations, Regulatory Compliance, Patient Confidentiality, Information Security, and Administration.
Basic Knowledge
General Operations, Regulatory Compliance, Patient Confidentiality, Information Security, and
MT(AAB) - Medical Technologist Generalist Certification
Alternatively, an individual may apply for MT(AAB) Generalist certification, which includes all of the following disciplines:
Clinical Chemistry, Endocrinology, Heme Derivatives, Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Coagulation, Hematopoiesis, Laboratory Methods in Hematology, Special Hematology Procedures, Red Blood Cell and White Blood Cell Morphology and Disorders, Platelets, Urinalysis/Body Fluids, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Theory and Principles of Immunology, Immunology Practices and Laboratory Methods, Immune Disorders, Infectious Disease Immunology, Tumor Immunology and Transplantation Immunology, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Basics of Immunohematology, Blood Donations, Blood Components, ABO System, Rh Blood Group System, Other Blood Group Systems, Blood Banking Procedures, Transfusion Medicine, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology, Virology, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and Laboratory Compliance
The MT(AAB) Generalist examination, in addition to the five (5) denoted disciplines, also includes a "Basic Knowledge" component that includes General Operations, Regulatory Compliance, Patient Confidentiality, Information Security, and Administration.
Basic Knowledge
General Operations, Regulatory Compliance, Patient Confidentiality, Information Security, and
MT(AAB) Qualifications
To be eligible for MT(AAB) certification as a generalist or in individual disciplines an individual must meet at least one (1) of the following requirements:
Route 1
Earn a doctoral, master's, bachelor's (baccalaureate) degree, or the equivalent, from an accredited university or college with a major in a chemical, physical, biological, clinical laboratory science or medical technology. Any degree that is not a major in clinical laboratory science or medical technology must include a minimum of six (6) semester hours of chemistry, six (6) semester hours of biology, and twelve (12) semester hours of chemistry, biology or medical laboratory technology in any combination
Pass the MT(AAB) Basic Knowledge examination and the appropriate discipline examination(s).
Route 2
Earn an associate degree or an associate of applied science degree from an accredited institution with a major in clinical laboratory science or medical technology
Pass the MT(AAB) Basic Knowledge examination and the appropriate discipline examination(s).
Route 3
Earn at least sixty (60) semester hours, or equivalent, from an accredited institution that, at a minimum, includes either:
twenty-four (24) semester hours of medical laboratory technology courses (i.e., chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, immunology, microbiology)
b) twenty-four (24) semester hours of science courses that include:
- six (6) semester hours of chemistry;
- six (6) semester hours of biology;
- and twelve (12) semester hours of courses in chemistry, biology or medical laboratory technology in any combination
Pass the MT(AAB) Basic Knowledge examination and the appropriate discipline examination(s).
Route 4
Have previously qualified, or could have qualified, as a technologist under the revised Medicare/CLIA '67 regulations (42 CFR 493.1433) published on March 14, 1990 (55 FR 9538).
These revised Medicare/CLIA '67 regulations include individuals who passed the HHS (formerly HEW) Proficiency Examination for medical technologists and those who had ten (10) years of full-time experience prior to January 1, 1968,
Pass the MT(AAB) Basic Knowledge examination and the appropriate discipline examination(s).
An MT performs tests, including high complexity procedures, with a minimum of supervision. An MT may supervise MLTs. MLTs perform waived and moderately complex clinical laboratory procedures under the supervision of the laboratory director.
Provisional Status
Individuals who have documented the required education but who lack the necessary training/experience listed below may still challenge the MT(AAB) examinations. Upon passing the examinations, these individuals will be designated Medical Technologist-Provisional [MT-P(AAB)] until they complete the training/experience in the applicable disciplines, at which time the provisional status will be removed from their certification designation.
Click here to learn more about provisional status and removing provisional status from a certificate.
Laboratory Training/Experience
All individuals qualifying via routes 1, 2, 3, and 4 must document laboratory training that includes either of the following:
Completion of a clinical laboratory training program approved or accredited by ABHES, NAACLS (formerly CAHEA), or other accrediting agencies approved by HHS. (This training may be included in the 60 semester hours listed above.)
At least three (3) months of documented full-time laboratory training/experience performing high complexity testing in each applicable discipline within the past ten (10) years.
Ready to Apply?
Learn more about the required documents and application process or follow the link below to begin your application: