Continuing Education (CE) Credits -Submit and View


Continuing Education - Submit Programs & View Your Account 

As an AAB member or ABB Diplomate or Certificant, you can view continuing education records in your account, add non PEER-approved programs for CE, view your current recording period and print a listing of your continuing education.

To assist you in documenting your CE, AAB/ABB maintains a computerized CE recording service called PEER (Professional Enrichment Educational Renewal).  

Click here to login to your CE account 

PEER-Approved Programs

If an educational program is approved by PEER, the program sponsor will submit your CE Recording Form to the PEER office and the CE earned will be documented in your account.   

Non PEER-Approved Programs

Educational programs not approved by PEER may also be acceptable for CE credit by submitting them online.  Login into your account, click the word, "Add," to get to the page, Document Non PEER-Approved Programs. Enter the name of the program or select from the droplist, and then type in the required information such as location, sponsor, number of contact hours, and course date. For more information see General Guidelines for Documenting CE credits.

Lastly, you will be asked how you will be providing the following information to the PEER office: certificate of attendance, course outline/agenda and any miscellaneous documentation.  This documentation can be uploaded, faxed or mailed. After the PEER office receives all the necessary documentation the program will be reviewed and the status (approved or not approved) will be posted to your account.  Please allow 30 days from submission of documentation for the status to display in your account. 

We recommend that you download a CE form from the AAB/ABB web sites before you attend a non PEER-approved program and have it signed. In the event, you do not receive a certificate of attendance this CE form can be used to verify your attendance.  


In your online CE Account, you can view and print a listing of your CE credits. 

Hard copy CE transcripts may be obtained for a $15 CE transcript fee.  Requests for these transcripts must be submitted in writing to the PEER office.

All ABB Diplomates (Directors) and Certificants (Managers, Consultants, and Supervisors) are required to document 24 contact hours of acceptable continuing education every two years.  


Find details on ABB's CLIA-approved supervisor and director certifications and the application process.



Information on study materials and strategies to successfully challenge the ABB exams.


Name Change Request

Name change requests require official documents be submitted.
