Dear ABB Certificant:

Your ABB certification separates you from the crowd and can give you a competitive advantage in today’s workforce. It signifies your professionalism and demonstrates that your clinical laboratory knowledge and skills meet ABB’s certification standards. ABB is recognized as a certifying agency for Directors under CLIA regulation 493.1443(3)(i) and as a certifying agency for Clinical Consultants under CLIA regulations 493.1417 and 493.1457. Most state laboratory programs also recognize ABB’s director certification.

ABB’s HCLD and BCLD examinations are approved to meet California’s written examination requirement for licensure as a generalist laboratory director (bioanalyst). In addition, a four-year “look back” provision permits individuals who passed ABB’s HCLD and BCLD examinations during the four years prior to the approval date (i.e., after October 1, 2005) to use ABB’s HCLD and BCLD examinations to satisfy California’s written examination requirement for a director’s license. For more information, visit or email

ABB’s examinations are also recognized in most other states and by the CLIA program.

2015 Certification Renewal Information

ABB certification requires revalidation annually. Revalidate your 2015 certification online through ABB’s secure payment site and receive your certificate(s) faster, help us cut expenses, and save natural resources. Visit and log in to your account using your username and password or contact the ABB office at (314)241-1445 for assistance.

If you participate in ABB’s Easy Pay Automatic Payment Program, your applicable ABB certification and CEU fees are charged to your designated credit card on or about November 15th of each year, as per your instructions. This program is voluntary. You can end your participation in ABB’s Easy Pay Program at any time by notifying the ABB office in writing.

In addition to renewing your certification online, you can also update your profile, including mail and email addresses and telephone and fax numbers.

2015 Certification Revalidation/CEU Recording Fee Increase

Beginning with the calendar year 2015, certification revalidation fees are increasing by $10, from $65 to $75, and the CEU recording fee is increasing by $5, from $75 to $80.

ABB diplomates and certificants who are members in good standing of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB) do NOT have to pay the $80 CEU recording fee because AAB pays the fee for them as a membership benefit. If you are a current AAB member, your invoice will state that your $80 CEU fee for 2015 is “Paid by AAB.” If you are not an AAB member, but you are interested in taking advantage of this AAB membership benefit, join AAB online at or call (314)241-1445.

Remember to document your continuing education activities. ABB certificants are required to document 24 contact hours (2.4 CEUs) of acceptable continuing education every two years. Submit your CEUs and view your CEU transcript online. Log in to your account using your username and password and click on “Recorded CEUs.” You will have the option to view or add CEUs, view your transcript, and/or print a list of CEUs in your history and/or current recording period.

Maintenance of your continuing education activities is administered by ABB’s PEER (Professional Enrichment/Education Renewal) program. 

Sincerely yours,

Mark S. Birenbaum, Ph.D.

PEER-Approved Continuing Education Opportunities

AAB's 60th Anniversary Conference
20th Annual CRB Symposium
May 12-14, 2016
Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada

NEW Online Courses

  • PER Hematology Review Course Online - Earn up to 0.40 CEU 
  • PER Immunohematology Review Course Online - Earn up to 0.35 CEU
  • PER Immunology and Serology Review Course Online - Earn up to 0.55 CEU
  • PER Microbiology Review Online Course - Earn up to 0.40 CEU
  • PER Molecular Diagnostics Review Online Course - Earn up to 0.25 CEU

    Additional Online Courses

  • Andrology and Embryology Review Course Online - Earn up to 2.0 CEUs
  • PER Chemistry Review Online Course - Earn up to 0.7 CEU
  • PER Basic Knowledge Online Course - Earn up to 0.15 CEU

  • For more information about these and other ABB PEER-approved continuing education opportunities, visit