
Learn more about preparing for and challenging the ABB examination

The American Board of Bioanalysis only recognizes examinations administered by the American Board of Bioanalysis (ABB).  ABB’s examinations are comprehensive, cover general laboratory knowledge, and a minimum of one (1) of the following clinical laboratory disciplines and specialties:

  1. Andrology [includes Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testis Axis; Testicular and Accessory Gland Function; Fertilization and Early Embryo Development (including Oocyte); Male Infertility (including Genetics); Semen Analysis and Evaluation of Male Reproductive Function; Sperm Processing and Preparation for Insemination; Semen and Sperm Cryopreservation; QA/QC; Safety and Regulatory Compliance]
  2. Chemistry (includes urinalysis, endocrinology and toxicology)
  3. Diagnostic Immunology (includes Theory, Principles, and Methods; Immunological and Infectious Diseases; Transplantation and Tumor Immunology; QA/QC)
  4. Embryology [includes Infertility (including genetics and other diagnoses); Female Reproductive Physiology; Gamete Collection and Preparation; Insemination and Documentation of Fertilization; Genetic Diagnosis; Embryo Development and Embryo Transfer; Cryopreservation; Culture Techniques; Micromanipulation; QA/QC; Safety and Regulatory Compliance]
  5. Hematology (includes flow cytometry)
  6. Microbiology (includes bacteriology, parasitology, virology, and mycology)
  7. Molecular Diagnostics (includes Nucleic Acid Biochemistry; Principles and Application of Molecular Diagnostics; QA/QC)
  8. Public Health Microbiology (includes bacteriology, parasitology, virology, and mycology)

BCLD applicants must pass ABB examinations covering general laboratory knowledge plus a minimum of three (3) of the five (5) following clinical laboratory disciplines:

  1. Chemistry (includes urinalysis, endocrinology and toxicology);
  2. Diagnostic Immunology (includes Theory, Principles, and Methods; Immunological and Infectious Diseases; Transplantation and Tumor Immunology; QA/QC);
  3. Hematology (includes flow cytometry);
  4. Microbiology (includes bacteriology, parasitology, virology, and mycology) or Public Health Microbiology (includes bacteriology, parasitology, virology, and mycology);
  5. Molecular Diagnostics (includes Nucleic Acid Biochemistry; Principles and Application of Molecular Diagnostics; QA/QC)

HCLD applicants must pass an ABB examination covering general laboratory knowledge plus an ABB examination in a minimum of one (1) of the eight (8) clinical laboratory disciplines listed above.

PHLD applicants must pass ABB examinations covering general laboratory knowledge AND public health microbiology.

TS applicants must pass an ABB examination in the discipline(s) for which TS certification is sought. TS applicants do not take the General Knowledge examination that is required for director applicants.

ABB examinations are offered twice a year, in the spring and fall, except for the General Supervisor examination, which is offered throughout the year at college and university testing centers. Arrangements for the General Supervisor examination are made on a case-by-case basis.

ELD applicants must pass ABB’s examination covering general knowledge plus ABB’s examination in the discipline of embryology.

To see a list of upcoming examinations, click here.


Find details on ABB's CLIA-approved supervisor and director certifications and the application process.



Information on study materials and strategies to successfully challenge the ABB exams.


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