
67th AAB Conference
27th CRB Symposium & Workshop

April 29-May 2, 2025 - Las Vegas, Nevada


We are excited to be returning to the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa for the 67th AAB Educational Conference (April 30-May 1), Optional Pre-Conference CRB Workshop: Unlocking the Next Generation of IVF Labs (April 29), and the 27th Annual CRB Symposium: IVF – The Evolution and Future of the Reproductive Laboratory (April 30-May 2).

We invite you to join us for a great opportunity to grow your relationships with leading reproductive and clinical laboratory scientists, including laboratory directors, technical supervisors, clinical consultants, scientists, technologists, and technicians.

Reach key decisionmakers, connect with customers and prospects, network with laboratorians from the U.S. and abroad, and support an excellent educational program. Sponsor support helps AAB and CRB to meet the needs of participants by offering a variety of quality educational programs featuring knowledgeable and engaging speakers. AAB is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Sponsorship contributions supporting the 2025 CRB Symposium and AAB Educational Conference are deductible as a business expense.

Companies are invited to support the event at various levels in exchange for a variety of benefits. Depending on the level selected, benefits include a free tabletop display, free banner advertisements in pre-meeting eblasts, an opportunity to present a vendor roundtable, free advertising space in the official conference program book, complimentary conference registrations, and a list of attendees and contact information.

Sponsorship Details

Contact LeAnn Hampton by telephone: 314-241-1445 or email: HamptonL@aab.org with any questions.

Thank You to the Preliminary 2025 Sponsors

For information on sponsorship opportunities for the 2025 Conference/Symposium, click here.

Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

Sponsors as of 3/25/2025

Other Sites of Interest

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