CRB Standing Rules Committee


CRB Standing Rules Committee


Dave Walker, MSc, ELD/TS(ABB)

The Standing Rules committee for the CRB is given the task to review and update these documents based on leadership and membership recommendations. These Rules have remained unchanged for the last several years…I think the saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, applies here! Although there have been suggestions for minor changes in the past, these changes were not significant and didn’t warrant the effort it would take in order to establish those changes. However, we are an open-minded, forward-thinking society and will take any suggestions you may have under serious consideration. I hope you’ve had a great summer and are settling back into a comfortable routine…but not too routine!

Dave Walker

Secretary of the CRB Board 2016-2017


CRB News Articles

CRB Newsletter - Vol. 6, No. 2

2016 CRB Symposium

From the CRB President

CRB Meeting Committee

CRB Standing Rules Committee

CRB Legislative Committee

Save The Date
   2017 Andrology and Embryology Review Course

   2017 CRB Symposium - May 18-20

2014 A&E Review Course Online

WEBINAR - Direct Patient Access to Laboratory
Test Results: What You Must Do to Comply

Current CRB Officers

CRB Standing Rules - Log in to view

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