CRB Newsletter, Vol 14, No 1


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The College of Reproductive Biology (CRB) is a not-for-profit special interest group of the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB).

In this issue:

Upcoming CRB Webinar
Generally speaking, public awareness of science is an important component of a modern, educated society. In current times, when IVF is gaining attention in the media and more people are learning about IVF and embryology, public communication and understanding of our field is arguably more important now than ever…


Register Now for the 27th Annual CRB Symposium
This year’s CRB Symposium is all about ‘IVF – The Evolution and Future of the Reproductive Laboratory’. The symposium will explore…


CRB Symposium Pre-Conference Workshop
On Tuesday, April 29, 2025, CRB will be hosting the annual Pre-Conference Workshop entitled, “Unlocking the Next Generation of IVF Labs”. This workshop will offer attendees…


Navigating Legislative Changes Affecting ART
The Legislative Committee of the College of Reproductive Biology (CRB) is dedicated to representing the interests of our members in the face of evolving…


The Importance of the ‘Hows’ and ‘Whys’ in Assisted Reproduction
As embryologists, we work in one of the most scientifically advanced and quickly evolving areas of medical treatment…


Understanding the Warming Procedure for Vitrified Embryos
Embryo warming is a critical component in the successful application of cryopreservation techniques in ART…


Andrology Antics
Andrology Antics by Samuel Prien, Ph.D., HCLD(ABB)…


A Special Thanks to the CRB Publication Committee Members
Thank you to everyone who helped this newsletter come together!


CRB Leadership Workshop


A&E Review Course

Important Links

Be sure to follow CRB on social media


CRB Education Committee

The CRB Education Committee's volunteers work to develop resources to promote the field of reproductive biology and support the profession.

2025 CRB Workshop/Symposium

Join us for CRB's return to the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa for the 2025 Optional Pre-Conference CRB Workshop: Unlocking the Next Generation of IVF Labs (Tuesday, April 29) and 27th Annual CRB Symposium: IVF - The Evolution and Future of the Reproductive Laboratory (Wednesday-Friday, April 30-May 2).


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