Get Involved!

CRB Thrives on Your Active Involvement!

Here are some of the ways you can help:

Plan to Attend or Present an Abstract at the CRB Symposium

CRB’s annual symposia provide a tremendous opportunity for professional development and education, plus an opportunity to connect with fellow professionals in the field of reproductive biology. The 2025 CRB Symposium will feature stimulating programs in an exciting location. Click here for more information.

Volunteer for a committee or working group
Current committees and working groups include the Credentialing and Membership Committee; Legislative Committee; Meeting Committee; Nominating Committee; Publications Committee; and Standing Rules Committee. Contact the CRB office at for more information.

Submit Examination Questions (And Earn Continuing Education Credit!)
ABOR (MT-level) and ABB (director-level) exams are developed by your peers and reviewed by committees of experts. Questions must be multiple choice (1 right and 3 wrong answers) and must be properly referenced. For more information see the Guidelines For Writing Examination Questions.

Connect with Us on Social Media
Follow CRB on Facebook, LinkedIn, and the CRB Twitter account @CollegeReproBio and use hashtag #crblabs to connect with your fellow reproductive biologists.

CRB Education Committee

The CRB Education Committee's volunteers work to develop resources to promote the field of reproductive biology and support the profession.

2025 CRB Workshop/Symposium

Join us for CRB's return to the JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa for the 2025 Optional Pre-Conference CRB Workshop: Unlocking the Next Generation of IVF Labs (Tuesday, April 29) and 27th Annual CRB Symposium: IVF - The Evolution and Future of the Reproductive Laboratory (Wednesday-Friday, April 30-May 2).


The College of Reproductive Biology shares the most up-to-date news and updates on LinkedIn!