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Andrology & Embryology Review Course
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Susie Oliver, TS(ABB), Vitrolife, Inc.
Kelly Wirka, TS(ABB), Auxogyn, Inc.
Marina O. Gvakharia, M.D., Ph.D., HCLD/ELD(ABB), MT(AAB), Fertility and Reproductive Health Institute
Time-Lapse by Embryoscope: A Vision to Conceive
by Niels Birger Ramsing, Ph.D., CTO, Vitrolife A/S
Time-Lapse in Clinical IVF - Primo Vision
by Brett Glazar, MS, MEA Lab Manager, Vitrolife, Inc.
Eeva Test: The GPS of Time-Lapse
by Shehua Shen, M.D., ELD/TS(ABB), Vice President, Medical & Scientific Affairs, Auxogyn, Inc.
The workshop will include theoretical presentations that will provide a detailed review of each of the instruments, the data they produce and the reports they publish. In addition, instructors will provide the technical aspects of, and tricks for, each instrument.
The all important hands-on session will include demonstration of the dish and loading of embryos (mouse). Participants will have ample opportunity to practice loading embryos into dishes, loading dishes onto machine, and initiating the program. Instruction will include how to finish recording; how to produce reports and patient materials; a review of software, videos, and pictures; as well as interpretation of images.
Participants will have access to 3 to 4 different systems during the workshop and will receive individualized instruction on each of the systems.
Participant number is limited to 24-32 participants. There will be 6-8 stations with 4 participants maximum per station.
Auxogyn, Inc.
Embryotech Laboratories
LifeGlobal Group
ORIGIO, A CooperSurgical Company
Vitrolife, Inc.